A tour of ‘Leadership Park’

Originally Published Mar. 4, 2020

So, the newest development of Courdelane is this area called ‘Leadership Park. 

Map of Leadership Park without Oriental Holdings. 

Leadership park, as you can see, is home to a few buildings and parks. I’ll give you some insight into what’s going on here. Starting at the Right, and going left. 

Palace of Courdelane 

There’s an entire post here, but the TL;DR of it is: It’s really weird, and it’s really big.

It’s purpose, (I think) Is to house the government of Courdleane. As well as to be an actual house for the President and VP (Both of those positions I hadn’t known about before I got the tour in that post.) 

An actually quite old picture of the palace. Before the road was extended, anything else was built or the additional gardens were added. 

It’s mainly a Purple building with Quartz trimmings, as well as the Flag of Courdelane in the center top there and the Presidental Banner to either side. 

Beef Co. Center 

Beef Co. Center from Harthfire 

Next up is the structure that directly opposes the palace. Beef Co. Center.

There’s also an entire post about that, which is linked. But in short: It’s the regional headquarters for Beef Co. (The center has apparently fallen short of the capacity needed for proper operation,) As well as a small housing and commercial district for the employees who work for the company. Given the right shops in its limited commercial spaces, one could theoretically live purely within the Center. Though it has a light rail and metro connection for an easy link to the rest of the city.

The TwentiethBeefCo Corporation (Beef Co.) is a conglomerate company that runs companies such as Oakfleash farms (Which runs a few little organic food marts around the city) and the Horizon Transportation Company. Which runs some ships to the city, manages any road construction Beef Co. needs doing and operates the Courdelane Metro, with possible plans to try and get operating rights for the Light Rail as well. 

JVP Entertainment

JVP’s building is probably the first you’ll see when entering the area. With its colored windows and Light Rail stop, it’s a stand-out structure for the first sight of Leadership park.

JVP Headquarters. 

JVP is a media company that runs a band that I hear is popular. Though it doesn’t seem they do anything else notable.

Their headquarters is very colorful, using a blend of red, yellow and orange stained glass to give their headquarters a really nice look. This photo is out of date now as the Light Rail now enters in the front, with the line that originally went through it going down Starlight Boulevard and ending at Windsor Intersect.

Bela Credit Union

The Bela Credit Union’s Headquarters is the standard Office Building fare that you would expect (Though I’m glad to say that there’s really no “standard” office building in Courdelane) White walls, with blue windows, cubicles, so on and so on.

Okay, as we properly enter Palace Boulevard, I’d like to say that when they were first building it a few years back, it was set to be the next big Boulevard! surpassing even Sanctuary! But nowadays, as can be seen on the map, the boulevard sorta just enters a tunnel and is more of a link between Leadership and Curie.

Anyways, the reason you haven’t heard of BLCU before is probably the same as JVP. They just don’t do much that’s news-worthy. If you wanna learn more about BLCU then you can definitely just go to BCLU.CDLane and see what’s going on. Their address is 200 Palace if you’re interested.

Juneauvia Resturaunts Inc.

Juneauvia’s Headquarters is actually a pretty interesting one. Being the owners of many restaurant chains like Furnace Cafe and the such, they, of course, have a focus on that. And so what’s better for their Headquarters than a Built-in restaurant!

Juneauvia Headquarters 

It also has good Metro connectivity. This line going from Beef Co. to Jovial Staton downtown. 

Turei Apartments

The Turei Apartments are located on the coast of the river, right behind the Jenauvia headquarters. In the above picture, they’d be in right behind the left side of the building.

Turei Apartments 

The Turei Apartments aren’t the biggest, nor the most luxurious apartments in the city, but they do have quite the monthly fee as they are located on the bank of the Great Salt River. 

The Turei Apartments on the coast of the Great Salt River (white stains made by salt engraving itself into the ground. Not edible, don’t try it.) 

This would, of course, raise the rent even more than its location in Leadership Park. The river is actually supplied by a saltwater spring, thought to be the largest supply of saltwater outside of an ocean.

The spring can be seen in the top-right of the image, right in front of the EdgeWorld Casino, covered Here.

Oriental Land Holdings Company Headquarter Palace

Yes, that is legitimately what they called their headquarters, “Headquarter Palace.” Made to look like, well, an Oriental Palace is another coastal property on the river (As can be seen on the bottom-right) and its good location is actually quite fitting for perhaps the largest land holding company in the city.

Oriental Land Holdings “Headquarter Palace” 

Oriental is doing better with its budgeting than Courdealne itself since they were able to afford both this and the Quartseit with both buildings being built very close to each other, though no actual overlap. 

Coffee Palace Headquarters

This is actually a rather interesting property, as it’s one of the few buildings in the city that had been moved, originally being located where Lucius’ Popina is now, they moved it to this area after A. Oriental gave then a good enough offer for the land and B. Leadership Park began growing to its current scale.

Coffee Palace Headquarters (Also visible in the above image) 

Besides that story, it’s the standard office building. It’s got offices, a lobby, a breakroom, the works. It does have that peculiar development in front of it, blocking access from that road, but that’s not too much of an issue since I was able to just get onto the next road which is fairly nearby. And the Transit Authority is ought to take care of that soon enough anyway.

That’s about it for Leadership Park though. I’ve covered every building in the area and their respective companies. I don’t imagine any new development in the area as almost all the land is developed.

And besides, the empty spots we did see in the pictures of Coffee Palace and the Great Salt river will be developed by another development anyways.

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