They didn’t need a loan for THIS

Originally Published Nov. 19, 2019

If you will all remember back to my article on the new peculiar light rail line, the sub-article mentioned that the government had to take out a loan AND increase the tax rate in order to construct the new development.

Well, if I were to wager what made them unable to afford the new line, I’d say it’s the new Central Bank of Courdelane headquarters on Carson Boulevard.

Central Bank of courdelane 

Located at No address listed, this is the headquarters for the national bank.

This was under construction at the same time as that light rail line, and I imagine that more funds would be directed to this than the Light Rail.

The lobby 

The building has some really good looking interior I’ll give it that.

This is the main teller area and is covered in white and yellow since that’s the color scheme of the Courdelane Flag.

Public Terminal 

I was invited here a few days after opening for a tour of the place. The government really seems to like giving me tours of their projects, probably to show off how great they are and how bankrupt they make the government.

And no, I’m not going to stop mentioning how a bank made the government run out of funds.

Office floors. 

Next up I got a tour of the office floors and only took pictures of the break rooms since there were too many employees in the offices. 

BC-EMR in an office 

I was shown this empty office with a Beef Co EMR computer and left-hand mouse. Two things I never thought I’d see in this context.

The ladder of which I thought I’d never see at all.

And the BC-EMR is odd for this use case since they come with two graphics cards and a 48-core processor. Not sure why they need that for an office but I also don’t know anything about banking.

The building’s massive antenna 

I was told before they finished the building that it would reach the maximum height allowed in the city, the second to open with the achievement.

I’m still on the fence as to whether or not to count antenna like this towards that but I don’t make the laws.

(There’s an article coming soon on the first building to open at the height limit don’t you worry)

Manager’s office 

Or more specifically, the door to the manager’s office.

It’s on the second office floor (The section above the lobby if you’ll look back at the previous pictures) so rather close to all the action downstairs, and it means that most of the employees get a better view than them.

Empty elevator shaft 

And I knew I had to take a picture of this empty elevator shaft since the elevator was above us at this point, I thought that I’d take this picture looking from near the top to the bottom.

That’s all that I was shown, that I do know that they have a massive vault underground that houses all the diamonds which dictate the standard to which the currency- the Courdelane Dinar -is held.

If you’re into large scale government projects I have two other tours of em’ right here.

The Palace of Courdelane

The Metro-straddling Light Rail line.