The Government is building a palace and I’m not sure why.

Originally Published Apr. 16, 2019

Okay, I gotta level with you all.

The Government is getting whack.

Like, they practically don’t exist and yet are building a whole palace for no reason.

Front view of the palace. 

And it’s slated to be the new geographic center of the city.

Like, I don’t know why they do this but here we are I guess.

Entry foyer. 

And the weirdest part is, I was invited in for a tour! 

Fireplace surrounded by couches and coffee table. 

Okay, so you can actually see that fireplace in the back of the first one and it’s such a weird feeling being in there. It seems so old and yet so… new. 

Painting halls located on either side of the fireplace. 

The place was also completely deserted minus a guard escort for me.

It was so weird because it seems like a mega-mansion that TwentiethBeef (More from him at the end) would own. And yet, it’s completely empty.

Grand dining room and adjoining kitchen. 

Apparently, they have a grand dining room for all zero people who live here.

All jokes aside the President (We have a president?) and Vice President apparently are slated to live here.

Chill Skeleton

He was just so chill I had to take a picture. 

Grand Ballroom. 

They also have a grand ballroom for the parties that the nonexistent government will somehow host.

Though it does have a really nice view of the swamp and, due to its location, the original part of town.

International meeting room. 

This room is apparently slated so that the President and VP can meet with leaders from other countries.

What other countries you ask? Like, all I know of are Slovoda, New Light River, and Darkriver. Formerly Genoplive but that was before our time. 

Generic offices 

Billiards room. Quite ornate. 

Prepare yourselves.

The Library

So I just had to pull out the color photos for this one.

The Library is probably one of the best looking rooms in the entire building.

I really have nothing else to say. It’s just great.

President's and Vice President's Offices

Which office is which?

I wasn’t told, really. I’m assuming the bottom one is the President’s cause it’s fancier but I can’t say.

Front sign for the National Palace of Courdleane 

I didn’t get a tour of the entire building since it’s still under furnishing and some renovations but overall it’s a… strange place.

And because of that fact, I’ve managed to get an interview with TwentiethBeef, CEO of the Twentiethbeefco Corporation (Just call it Beef Co.)

Beef Co. owns this office space near the HAL Supermarket. 

So here he is:

“Thank you very much for coming in today, Twent.”

“Any day I get to make fun of people is considered a success so thank you.”

“So, you said you had some thoughts concerning the new National Palace?”

“Yes, I have some strong thoughts about the palace.”

“Would you mind sharing them with us today?”

“If I get to roast them, yes.”

“You do.”

“This is gonna be good. So, starting off with uhh why. You see uhh as far as I can tell the government here doesn’t uhh… exist? and the fact that they’ve built a massive palace that is mostly leisure rooms makes me more suspicious about them. While they haven’t done anything wrong and as such, I won’t like, bottleneck their trade. Yes, I can do that, it’s still a little suspicious how secretive they are. think about it, all we know about it is that, yesm it exists and they have a president and VP that you guys don’t vote for. That’s about it really. Excluding of course the fucking palace. So, the whole thing tips me off since I, as you may know, pride myself on being a very transparent figure. The company that I run and I as a person am very transparent and like it when people know what exactly is going on. Well the Courdelane Government, or whatever they have, has the exact opposite, where we don’t know at all what’s going on or why or anything inside. That’s really most of what I’ve got wrong with it and know that, if the government starts to screw around I, and probably many other companies, except for HAL. HAL’s just… weird. will probably make it crumble, so you’re in good hands.

“I’m glad to see that you would, uhm, destroy the government for us.”

“I don’t see why not. Alrighty then I think that was all I was brought in for?”

“uhh, yeah. That, that’s about right yes.”

“Cool, I’ll see myself out and you can continue writing newspapers!”

So, In conclusion, the Palace is a strange landmark, but it’s a landmark that will probably live on for as long as the city does.

Which is hopefully longer than Genoplive.