Daylight Park is something crazy.

Originally Published Jul. 21, 2019

Daylight Park entry sign, facing Sanctuary Boulevard.

Daylight park has been under construction for the past few months now. And not because it’s some kind of 30 Square Kilometer mega park (Though it is very large) but because of one distinct feature I’ll touch on later.

Bur first, let’s take a tour of this park’s highlights.

Park streetlamp.

These little lamps are littered all over the park and I must say, they’re great. Having a pole of cobblestone covered in some kind of moss, and glowstone on top for lighting, I like them very much. And, when I visited the night before I took these pictures, they lit the area very well. 

Overview of a small section of the park, around a small lake. 

Bridge over a creek that comes out of that same pond above. 

The addition of a large pond in the middle of the park is a nice one. And, as you can see in the background, it’s located right next to Sanctuary Medical Center. 

Aerial of Daylight Park area before Construction 

Aerial After Construction. 

As you can see, Daylight Park takes up quite a bit of space. That gap there between Daylight and CSMed is apparently space for a bar to be built. Though I have no more info than that. 

Palace as seen from the bottom tip of the park 

As you can see from both the aerial and this picture I took, the park gives quite a nice view of the Palace.

So if you like the way the palace looks, and like picnics on the water, this park may be for you.
And, as you may have been able to see from the satellite, there’s one big addition to this park that made it take months.

You see that dropoff? It’s right next to every entrance to the park 

And it leads to… 

A daylit ravine. 

Yeah. They daylit a ravine in the middle of the city.
That’s why it’s called Daylight Park, as well as why construction took a few months.
The story of the ravine is apparently that they were digging a hole for a pond in the ground when some ground fell into the ravine, and after further inspection, the construction crew found the ravine, and the city decided to daylight it.

As you can tell it’s not exactly easy to fall in. You’d need to try to fall into the ravine since it’s surrounded by either walls or water. As well as a fence stopping people from going into anywhere that isn’t daylit if they get in. Which once they’re in, are probably already being chased by law enforcement.

Image taken early in construction, right after they had begun making paths and before the ravine was found. 

Image taken after constructed, from the top of Henton Center.