Tarkin Boulevard Construction + Removal of Windsor Split

Originally Published Jun. 28, 2020

Beef Co’s Glass Palace 

Tarkin Boulevard hasn’t been mentioned in a good while, so I wanted to make an update to it and talk a little about some of the projects that have been going on around it.

The photo above shows one of the more recent developments: Beef Co’s Glass Palace. According to the project files on it,
“The glass construction of the building is intended to reflect the transparent nature of the company’s management. The store will feature a wider variety of Beef Co. products, both expanding on the electronics selection currently seen in the Beef Co. Co-Op stores with Empire Industries, as well as other brands such as foods from Oakfleash Farms, clothing displays from Nether Leather, and more from the lineup.”

Currently no displays or more than bare minimum internals have been built. 

A store with a wider variety of Beef Co. products within it is a novel concept, especially given that outside of their electronics, Nether Leather and Oakfleash, the company tends to focus on more entperise product, like Bulwick Bowling equipment and Wells Engineering’s Civil projects and Military contracts. 

The Ocha Garden Cafe, with the Glass Palace in the background 

The Ocha Garden Cafe is a small international food Cafe along Tarkin, serving [PLACEHOLDER] food. 

The Cafe is open, unlike many other recent developments on this road, and currently has some very nice internals and atmosphere, as well as a nice view of this person’s house, and the Fire Station and Buena Pona. 

Courdelane Commons 

The Courdelane Commons was actually one of the first constructions along Tarkin Boulevard. It’s supposed to be a farmers market-style market, meant for individuals to just come around and sell stuff and potentially services in a public gathering space. 

Courdelane Commons as it relates to the Glass Palace and Ocha Garden Cafe 

So far, there hasn’t been enough population in the area for anyone to actually pay the renting fee or come out and spend time here to make any of it worth it. It seems like the people behind the Commons moreso claimed the plot since they knew about Paradise Hills and the large residential development there that would be happening soon enough, so they’ve simply been paying the property tax and electric bill to keep the lamps running and the area filled until residents decide to start hanging out in the area. 

Everfree National Forest sign 

A view of an unnamed lake from a trail 

Also within my last coverage of the area, the Courdelane National Park Administration has established Everfree National Forest, which lay within a flower forest as it’s called. 

Alternate view of the same unnamed lake 

The Forest truly is a beautiful place, but since most of it’s terrain is very steep and mountainous, most trails are considered dangerous by the CDLNPA and aren’t meant to be hiked alone.

I, of course, took them alone because I’m rebellious like that and may someday publish a gallery of the many, many pictures I took the two days I took to explore the entire area. There are wonderful views of a large birch forest that has yet to be developed, as well as a view of a lake that lay between the park and the Courdelane Commons and Tarkin.

Light Rail tracks going down Tarkin Boulevard and the Windsor Split elevated road. 

And, of course, the end of the Windsor Split 

The Windsor Motorway branch following Tarkin was a part of the road as soon as it was opened, and where it split off had an elevated Light Rail station and was overall a fairly big deal, though smaller than the Windsor Intersect, which crossed Windsor with Curie and began Windsor Motorway and Starlight Boulevard. 

Features to be eventually removed 

Part of the motorway branch, as could be seen in the first picture, has already been removed to allow for more space for new developments to be constructed. 

The Windsor Motorway also has a still-standing bridge that crossed a canyon that starts where Tarkin ends and has already had a large landscaping effort on the other end so I imagine that the bridge may simply be lowered and reassigned to Tarkin. 

Guy the Ocha Cafe sees has a neat pool (As seen from the onramp to Windsor, it’s not hard to see) 

Lost Soul Industries factory 

Lost Soul Insdustries” is a very interesting name for a company. Not sure what they do, since there’s really no info about them yet online, but they have a factory next to the old University house. 

The factory is empty inside. 

I’m not 100% sure what this factory is gonna be for, especially given it’s location next to a Government Research Facility, but it might be explosives. 

West side Entrance to Crescent Tunnel 

Another item of the list of infrasturcture updates is the Crescent Tunnel, beginning down the road from the potential bomb factory and then digging it’s way 200-meters through the ground towards some yet-developed land next to Windsor Motorway’s still-surviving branch. 

Above shows the inside of the tunnel as well as the East Side entrance. 

Forest Route road is an alternative to the Crescent Tunnel that may take twice as long, but also has twice the sights as the tunnel. It splits off of Crescent Street right before the west Side entrance and winds through a pine forest and currently just ends in a field. 

Forest Route road ending in a field 

That’s all the development updates I have for you all so far. I’ll be sure to find out more about this “Lost Soul Industries” thing because it sounds very suspicious, as well as give more updates as the Windsor Motorway branch is deconstructed.