These slightly out of place buildings next to the Lucius

Originally Published Jan. 20, 2019

I was just recently walking around the Lucius (as you do) and noticed a few buildings on a road I had never seen populated before. The road had been there even before the Lucius. And the park across the street from these guys had been there even longer, but only now was I seeing Development on the road! I quickly pulled out my camera and decided to check out what they had there. 

View of the shopping center(?) from atop a tree. 

Two vacant buildings, the second one loos to have the beginnings of decor, though. 

Out of 4 storefronts, 2 of them were vacant and completely open. I suppose there was nothing to defend by locking them up aside from windows in the back that could be broken from outside. They didn’t seem to have any sort of ‘Theme’ so I don’t think this is a Resorts doing, as well as the fact that they seem more like storefronts rather than Casino facades. But I didn’t explore the vacant ones, I’m just going to wait until something is added. 

Actually used Storefronts. 

The other two storefronts, however, actually had occupants. ‘Tea Palace’ Similar in name to the much larger ‘Coffee Palace’ and ‘Flag Presentations’. I looked around Tea Palace first, and it seemed like a pretty standard Coffee Shop, lots of seating for doing whatever it is people do in Coffee Shops, small desk to order Coffee from, just the standard stuff. 

It was Flag Presentations that surprised me, however. When I first walked in it seemed like a normal small coffee place as well. I looked around to see what kind of amenities they had, seating, coffee makers, mysterious basements, the works. It was upstairs that surprised me. I walked up the stairs and as soon as I turned my head to look into the room I saw a stripper pole. I remember there was someone on it and people around but my first reaction was to turn myself around and go home. 

So if you want to visit either of these locations, it’s just south of the Lucius’ main entrance, you can go. As for me, I’m calling it a night.