Well, that’s one way to renovate your building.

Originally Published Nov. 4, 2019

Hey hey hey! The Lucius is back open and-

The new front face of the Lucius 

What in the- they rebuilt the entire thing!

That’s right, they rebuilt the entire Lucius, keeping only the address and name.

Side and front entrance. 

I’ll give them this, if grand scale is what they were going for, then they got it right.

The new building is fifteen floors tall and is nearing the height limit for buildings in the city.

That’s all the interior pictures I took. There’s a whole lot in there. Gambling hall, bowling alley, movie theaters, a restaurant. And of course its many hotel rooms.

And you may have noticed that massive building attached to the back in that last picture.

Once you’re above the second floor, it’s all ballrooms.

The Lucius is now immense in scale and much more visible from the swamp area.

Especially considering that this is facing the swamp.

The Lucius has been made new again, and I’ll be looking forward to more changes to come in the future.