Some insight into new development on The Strip

Originally Published Oct. 21, 2019

A while ago, I showed off some of the sudden construction on Carson Boulevard, the Courdelane Strip.

Now, I’ll be going more in-depth on those developments and one building that’s new and wasn’t there before.

Entrance to the Carson Star condos. 

The Carson Star Luxury Condos sits at the corner of Carson and Starlight Boulevards, hence it’s name.

It was in the last article, but I never went inside, unlike what I’ll do now.

Carson Star lobby. 

The lobby of the Carson Star is pretty spacious, with a restaurant, swimming pool and glass floor. 

Tamrack pool. 

Esmarelda Cafe. 

Despite what the pictures show, the pool isn’t actually all that dark inside. But my camera has a way of doing that indoors.

The Esmarelda Cafe has the typical cafe lineup, sandwiches, various breaded meats, the works.

Where this building really starts to shine is in the Glass floor that shows something that was discovered during construction.

A ravine! 

That’s right, there’s a ravine in the building. And from the looks of it, there are three condos down there.
And, according to their website, they’re about 12 grand a month.

That’s what happens when you live in Courdelane.

But let’s move on to the more modest sections.

Another dark picture. 

This is the makeup of all the floors in the Carson Star. Each has three condos and that fountain in the center. It’s a lot brighter than the camera makes it seem though, so it’s not actually that dark. 

The rooftop park.

As with many buildings downtown. this building features a rooftop park.

These aren’t in the newer buildings for some reason and is actually a nice touch.

And from this park, you get a perfect view of may things…

The Central Bank of Courdelane! 

That’s right! I’m not sure if there was misplanning here or something but that CBC sign is pretty much only visible from the boulevards or this building.

The rest of the view is pretty nice, though.

And sitting just outside is a preview of the sub-article! 

The next development is the Esmarelda Apartments and Compact Center! 

This building serves two purposes.

Compact Center 

As a Compact Center, a large store that sells computer components and general tech-related products. 

Esmarelda Apartments 

And as the Esmarelda Apartments, a large apartment complex with a hole in the center that lets in natural light. 

And a view of the bank. 

I can’t actually get a view of inside the bank that you didn’t see last time, so I’ll just have to wrap this up. 


The Beef Co multiplex is gone!

I don’t think I actually covered this since it wasn’t there upon opening when I made my article. But in short, it used to be in the back and forced Palace Boulevard to make a tunnel underneath it. 

Beef Co Multiplex 

Here’s a photo I took of it before they tore it down since they told me it was going to happen

Anyways, with the coming of the Courdelane Strip, Beef Co knew that they needed to do something since the back of the Multiplex was something of an eyesore.

What Multiplex? 

Yeah, so they just removed it!

And it looks a lot better than it used to with the tunnel being there, which I sadly don’t have a picture of.

What I do have a picture of is the new building that’s on its old plot.

Unnamed Building 

So there’s this new building with two indoor parks and some housing and offices.

The housing is those top windows there and the offices are right below it.

Ground floor Indoor park 

Second Level indoor park

Connecting bridge to the CarsonStar Condos 

So that’s something you don’t see every day, indoor parks! 

Outdoor area 

There’s also this outdoor area across the way so I’m not sure if they’ll add another building here or if they’ll keep it like this.