They built a highway through the zoo.

Originally Published Sep. 22, 2019

Well, boys, we did it.
Nature is no more.

The Courdelane Government has decided that its new road is important enough to create a brand new subdivision of the Boulevard system.

For those of you who don’t know, the Courdelane Boulevard system (CDLB) is a series of long double roads that act as express routes through the city.

The beginning of VegasTown Boulevard, the first boulevard in the city dating over 70 years old. 

And they’re typically suffixed by ‘Boulevard’ since it’s a nice, elegant name and all.

But I guess their new road was great enough to create a brand new suffix and organization for it.

The beginning of Curie Highway. The first and so far only of it’s kind. 

Apparently, it had to be a Highway due to limitations placed on the Boulevard system.

You see, a Boulevard cannot be longer than 1000 meters. And Curie Highway was designed to be longer than 1000 meters.

So rather than adjusting the Boulevard laws to change or remove the limit, they opted to instead change its designation to be a Highway.

Ohohoho but that’s not the best part…

What’s better than that? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…

Curie Highway just going through the zoo. 

It just blasts its way through the zoo.

You can see how they tried to make it blend in better by making some of the supports look like trees, but it’s futile.

The Highway destroying the zoo. 

The view of the zoo crossing from on the Highway. 

But as you can see, the people on the Highway won’t notice, so it’s all good.

I suppose it was the most direct route as well as rumors they planned later sections before and stitched it all together but come on you could’ve gone through the desert…

Desert blockage sign and fence at the end of VegasTown Boulevard. 

Oh wait, they can’t.

Yeah, apparently they blocked off the desert after tunneling to it and building a road…?

Either way, I suppose that wasn’t an option.

They could have gone underground but then they wouldn’t have their fabulous view.

The Highway gets just high enough above the road to be safe, yet uncomfortable. 

Going underground would have had It’s perks…