So now we’ve got a University!

Originally Published Sep. 2, 2019

Okay, so it may not be done. But we have several buildings as well as the entire area where it’ll be. 

Original Proposal for the University land. 

This ended up coming about 70% true.

Much of that commercial land in the top left is actually being developed for that purpose. Except that’s also the area where Student Dorms will be constructed, laying outside the university land.

CSK main entrance. 

CSK (the Courdelane Sanctuary of Knowledge) is located exactly where the plans intended, just north of Leadership park and Beef Co. Center.

There have been 3 completed buildings so far.

The Revencrone Viewing Tower was the first building to be constructed on campus. 

Ravencrone Tower was built first as an observation tower and icon. Being one of the only buildings this side of the river viewable from the Lucius and Imperia Complex, (Update on that very soon) I’m sure it’ll serve those two purposes nicely. 

Entrance to the Zephram Campus Library. 

Zephram Campus Library sign and banner. 

The banner os CSK. Having a Purple, yellow, white and black color scheme. 

The Xephram Campus Library was the second building constructed on campus. Being one of the largest libraries by area in the world (From what I can tell in researching Libraries) It’s, of course, the new central library for the city, up against some tough competition downtown. 

Courdleane Downtown Public Library. 

CSK needs to step up its game.

Foriegn History and Nonfiction sections. 

Checkout and front desk. 

Book checkout area. 

Book return slots. 

The library gets even better once you go inside. With two floors of books, there no limit to what’s contained within.

As well as the checkout and return system being a fairly new development. Apparently, there are RFID tags inside of every book that are scanned so that they can be checked out easily and sorted automatically

Library second floor. 

Beef Co. Iron Series 10 laptop. 

Empire Industries Reliant laptop. 

The Library’s computer lab has both Beef Co. and Empire Industries laptops. Which makes me wonder why they work together in tech, since they both have their own products.

Water Fountain. 

Balcony with free beverages offered. 

Balcony with seating and free beverages. 

Entrance to an Outdoor Study area. 

Balcony covered with tables for group study sessions. 

Fireplaces & bookshelves on the second floor of the Library. 

The library has many offerings for just sitting around and doing stuff. From laptops to tables and chairs, it seems like people will come here to just hang out on top of checking out books. 

Tahoe Teahouse restaurant. 

Athol Beach. 

I have to tell you all, Athol Beach is huge. This picture doesn’t do it justice, so here’s an aerial of the thing. 

Aerial photo of Athol Beach 

Look at that thing. It’s larger than the Libray, as well as perhaps the Palace and Beef Co. Center. If you want to go for a swim, well, there’s an option. 

Bud Hurldbut Engineering Building. 

The Bud Hurldbut engineering building was the third building completed on campus, being located across the road from the Library, it’s where all Engineering classes take place. 

Here’s the fourth building currently under construction. 

There are four total entrances to the University, South Entrance, West Entrance, North Entrance, and a side entrance.

South Entrance

Side Entrance

West Entrance. They made a new Boulevard for the University. 

South Entrance, surrounded by fields.

I loved taking that last picture since I know for a fact that sign is not going to be surrounded by fields in a few months. 

View from the West Entrance looking towards the Ravencrone Tower. 

Pervious Angle at night. 

Strange Flying house above the Library. 

There’s also this odd flying house above the Library, which seems to be the same as another building in the Library Style.

Old University house. 

Historical sign. 

When they were first making the University, they had made a few design templates for the building style, and this is one of them.

But that’s the University so far. It’s coming along nicely and will most likely be, as they claim, the Premier Learning Center of the World.