A university?

Originally Published Jul. 28, 2019

Yes, you heard that correctly. Courdelane is getting a University! 

“University site under construction” Sign at the end of a road. 

While the university has no official name yet, I’ll call it the University of Courldeane (UCL)

It’s slated to be some mega project that will consume a plot of land as large as the swamp area.

University area plan

The University is slated to be north of Beef Co. Center at the very east of the city.

This is the most accurate plan made so far from what we’ve heard from both the Government and the Board of Education, which does exist due to there already being a highschool.

A university has been a luxury missing from the city for the longest time. And while this problem was mostly circumvented by Apex Online schooling, it’ll be much better to have a physical University in existence.

Also apparently that house up in the corner is something build a long time ago by… someone that was found abandoned with a water pool in the middle of the living room. It’s slated to be turned into a large farm, which is why no plans account for the area.

And the area just south of the Residential Land is blank due to the vagueness of the plans we know about.