An interview with TwentiethBeef.

Originally Published Jul. 17, 2019

So, as some of you may know, Beef Co. Center is now open and is large. And I said in that post that I was going to have an interview with the owner of the place, TwentiethBeef.

Here’s that interview.

ME: It’s nice to be able to speak with you, Beef.

Beef: It’s an honor just the same for me.  I’ve seen the Callisto going for a while now. Nice newspaper you’ve got here. Much different from the government announcements in Slovoda.

M: I’m truly flattered. So I want to ask, what is the exact purpose of Beef Co. Center?

B: Ah yes. Well, unlike some of the rumors I’ve seen, it is not the new World HQ for Beef Co. It’s a regional management center that doubles as a small living area for the employees. The current World HQ is in The Region 8000 (I’ll have to talk about that once I find more out about it.) and has been for the past 150 years.

M: So you said that the company has been passed down 20 generations now?

B: Yep. That’s why I’m TwentiethBeef. I think it was founded approximately 500 years ago.

M: So that would be approximately 1519.

B: Yeah. Though I’m not sure what exactly it started as.

M: So, since it’s something I don’t personally know, what exactly does just core Beef Co. do today? Since I know of the subsidiaries like Horizon Transport moreso.

B: It mostly manufactures core components for Computer systems. Microprocessors, circuit boards, etc. I think our 40-core is currently used in a supercomputer run by the Courdelane Government.

M: That’s a prestigious position to be in. So next up I wanted to ask about the naming on some things. Mostly what are the two buildings in BC Center named after? The Kiana and 4556 buildings.

B: 4556 is named after the 50-year-old train stations in the city, one of which is actually in undeveloped land  I own, and the other being in the Land of Genuine Furries downtown. And the Kiana building is named after some artist I followed when I was like 15.

M: Ah, that makes sense. I had a hunch as for 4556 but not a clue for Kiana. I was also wondering both why that Beef Co Tower is a doughnut and why you built housing, parks and a small shopping center in the back. (That’s new since I made the Beef Co Center post.)

B: The doughnut is because all of the Beef Co Centers have doughnut towers in them. It’s like a signature of mine. And as for the rest of it, I wanted to make a place wherein people could live life without any of the drawbacks that having an unrestrained market does, so it’s cheaper for employees to live in the center than outside. Especially so since the apartments are free.

M: If only I work at Beef Co. That sounds like a good deal.

B: I mean, you were able to make a nice building with an ocean view so I wouldn’t say you’re not living a very good life.

M: That is true. So how big is Beef Co. Center going to get? Considering that it’s already added that shopping center in the back.

B: One more development around the train station. It’ll probably be something public, like a park since I’m not worried about vandalism.

M: Why’s that?

B: Eh, I’ve got a hunch it’ll be fine.

M: Well I’m not here to argue, so go ahead with that. And was the placement right across from the palace intentional?

B: Absolutely. You already know my feelings about the government, and when I saw that they were making a straight shot road from their palace, I decided to take the land.

M: Well the tower does literally arc over the road and that shopping center made the road go into a tunnel.

B: Oh yeah that was fun watching them dig that. Was there anything else you wanted to know?

M: One big one actually. How will the management of the company work? Considering that you have both the Asexual and Aromantic flags outside of the center.

B: Ah yes, well it’s usually been a passing down from one beef to the next, parent to child, but that’s not exactly needed. I plan to create a sort of public advisory group. Each member is picked at random and the group is to have many restrictions. They can’t modify the system of choosing new members, they can’t overrule any rules I put on them beforehand so on and so forth. 

M: But surely the stock of the company must go somewhere.

B: It’ll be evenly divided between every member, though under a strict contract that the government 8000 (The Region 8000 has a lot of weird naming conventions like that one) has promised to make everyone strictly abide by.

M: So it seems you have that covered. And I think that’s all for that I have.
So thank you, Beef, for giving me your time and I hope that all goes well with that.

B: Well I’m happy to do this. And thanks.


So that was the interview. 

So thanks for the interview, Beef.