The Lucius is closed and I’m kinda suspicious.

Originally Published Jun. 12, 2019

Another day, another thing.

Today, The Lucius (Remember that casino-hotel we did like 6 posts on?) announced that it was closing!

The Lucius 

Okay… maybe not closing closing. But it’s closed.
The official statement from Oriental Entertainment (They own the Lucius, Ocean Spray, and Oriental. I’ll have to do an article on them sometime) reads as follows.

“We [Orintal Entertainment] are saddened, yet excited to let all visitors to the Lucius Casino Hotel know ahead of time that the Lucius will be undergoing heavy renovations. These include, but are not limited to: Relocation and expansion of Lucius’ Popina, Heavy exterior changes, larger rooms, more rooms, as well as the hotel getting taller. More renovations are of course planned beyond this, so we plan to see you all soon when the Lucius reopens in it’s new, greater state!
    -Johnathan Mathis, CEO of Oriental Holdings”

So there’s a lot to unpack here. Starting off with the timing of this announcement. It was posted to their website, as well as emailed to everyone who was planning to stay there, only a few weeks ago. So I imagine that this is going to cause more people to stay largely at the Cresent for the time being. Though some will definitely choose the Ocean Spray and maybe even the Oriental, which wouldn’t make a difference to Oriental.

One of the front entrances to the Lucius, fountain off and doors closed. 

So I think it’d be appropriate to share some photos I’ve taken of the Lucius while it’s closed. Including this one of the fountains being turned off. They were added to both sides earlier last month to add some more interesting scenery to the entrances. 

Overhead of the Lucius showing where the fountains are. 

View of the Lucius from the side. 

Something quickly interesting to note about the Lucius. The actual front entrances are located to the side of where people would probably typically enter. This is what most people entering the Lucius see, not this: 

View of the Lucius from the front. 

Anyways, It’s kinda weird to see the Lucius be so… empty. It feels just off to not see anyone inside. 

Inside the Lucius after closing. 

Whatever they do to the Lucius, I hope that it’s really an improvement.

Lucius’ Popina as seen after closing. 

Oh yeah, I also got some photos of the Popina while it was in its original form/location. I’ve still got older photos that you can see in the old articles, but I wanted to take new ones just in case. 

I’ll keep you all posted about the Lucius and what’s going on there.