Migration to Keionbu

As you know, our current web address is cdlcallisto.home.blog, and that link will remain active in order to link here, where all of our newest posts are going to be made.

Now, I would have preferred a more proper blog format with an RSS feed and everything, however, the current Keionbu infrastructure simply doesn't accommodate that yet. Luckily, we're not downgrading as the old site didn't have that feature either. We will also still be sharing all new posts on Facebook.

Posts will be migrated in order from oldest to newest, and will be a fairly smooth process. They will also be numbered, like how this one is /cdlcallisto/1, other posts will be /2, /3, etc. so that's a useful feature to keep in mind.

Until then, we look forward to our new home at Keionbu and don't have plans to stop writing articles about this mysterious city.